10 July 2013
Web Design Inspiration

A Spy, Mogul, and Chef are each tasked with designing your website. Knowing only this, you can ensure success by answering yes to a single question. What is this question? I’ll tell you at the end of this article, but first let’s discuss and see if you can figure it out for yourself.

The Spy locates target customers.

“The spy hones in on target customers, clarifying needs with an unbiased approach.” Click to Tweet

The SMAC of Web Design InspirationAre you a target?

Yes, seriously. Think for a moment about who your target customers are. You should already have user profiles created that cover an in-depth representation of your ideal customers. How closely do you fit any of those descriptions?

Chances are, you are not your target customer.

So, I have to ask: what makes you think you know what they want? A web design you think looks perfect may be irritating to your target customers. Simply knowing that you aren’t the target will help set your web design priorities straight.

Remove your personal opinion from the equation and put your customers first. You may not initially (or ever) understand why customers like certain designs. What’s important is that you locate target customers and design your site to meet their needs and expectations.

The Mogul analyzes competitors.

“The mogul identifies competitors, tests results, keeps what works and discards what doesn’t.”

Where are your potential customers?

Your competitors know something about your customers. Don’t deny it, you know who they are. Whether you run a local business or a global franchise, you have competition. Your potential customers are buying from someone else instead of you.

So, find out why.

  • What do your competitors offer that’s so appealing?
  • Do any of the benefits they offer apply to your customers too?

Visit your competitors from a customer perspective and make note of how their web design caters to user needs.  If you have difficulty thinking like your customer, revisit and expand on your user profile or seek out help from a web design business.

The Chef makes it their own.

“The chef unites customer expectations with a relevant, time-tested, recipe.”

To create a relevant design, you first need to identify your target customer and competitors. Then, you design your website as an improvement to what already works. This is what your web design “recipe” should be built upon.

  • Target Customers (check)
  • Competitor Benefits (check)
  • Make it your own

Now make it your own, with relevant design elements and a solid platform to bring them all together.

The question is: “Are they working together?”

You ask this because you want all strengths focused into a synchronized web design. Surprisingly, you find that successful web designs offer benefits to existing user needs and expectations.

  1. Locate your target customers.
  2. Analyze your competitors.
  3. Improve what already works.

Success of your web design depends on how you connect inspiration to research and creation. A spy, mogul, and chef working alone would fail to unify your ideas as a single solution.

Your visitors would feel the disconnection of your web design. You would risk losing potential customers, as they search for a website that understands and serves their needs.

Seattle SEO Consultant excels at helping you improve what works for your customers. Schedule a free 30 minute consultation and talk to us about building a successful web design. From technical SEO analysis to web design services, we help you hone in on what your customers need and expect from you.

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