21 March 2015

Do you want to create viral marketing content for your business? If so, do you know what it takes to create the perfect viral share? Sure you want to have a great website design to back up that viral content but first there are a number of key ingredients you must include for viral marketing.

The Secret Viral Marketing Formula

Step 1: Viral Marketing Relies on Emotions

The first step to creating the perfect viral share is to use positive emotions in your content. According to research by BuzzSumo, emotions that evoke awe, laughter, or amusement are more likely to go viral. In addition to incorporating emotions, it’s also important to think about the type of impact you want your content to make. Make sure your content is practical and provides value for your target audience. It should also be interesting and surprising.

Step 2: Viral Marketing Relies on Deep Content

Next, it’s essential to develop superb content. On average, articles between 3,000 and 10,000 words are more likely to be shared on social media. When creating long-form content, aim for 2,000 word articles that are easy to consume. It’s also important to make sure these pieces are well-researched and use credible sources.

To improve the readability of content, write pieces that include infographics, videos, and how-to advice. Breaking up your long-form content will make it easier for people to scan through your articles and process information.

Step 3: Viral Marketing Needs Sweet Visuals

Visuals are another key ingredient of the perfect viral share. For example, when articles that contain visuals are shared on Facebook, they’re likely to receive 2.3 times more shares than articles without images. As long as your content includes at least one image, you’ll be on track for creating viral content.

There are a number of ways to use visuals for your content. If you’re feeling creative, use a program such as Canva to create images. You can also use tools such as infogr.am to create infographics. Videos and slideshows are another great way to incorporate visual content, too.

Step 4: Write Amazing Got-to-Click-on-It Headlines

The icing on the cake of a viral share is its headline. If you want more people to click on your content, you’ll need to create a catchy headline. Make sure your headlines include numbers and offer a promise to the reader. Remember, the stronger the headline you create for your content, the more likely it will go viral.

Step 5: Share with Key Influencers

Once you’ve written your piece, it’s time to publish and share it online. The secret to making your article go viral is to create an influencer outreach campaign. Network with influencers within your industry and ask them to share your content. You can also link to influencers within your content. This is a great way to boost exposure for your blog posts.

By following these steps for creating content, you’re bound to publish a piece that goes viral. To learn more about creating viral content, check out the infographic below:

Viral Marketing Infographic

Ivan Serrano is a social media, business and finance journalist living in San Francisco, California.
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