As a web design and SEO firm, it’s our bread and butter to revamp websites to improve their look, enhance professionalism and then go to work improving rankings and traffic. One of the most important aspects of Seattle web design is ensuring user friendliness. A lot of focus goes onto the home page and sales pages, but one area that we often see neglected is the “Contact Us” page. If this critical page isn’t user friendly, you can lose sales on the spot. Here are some things to consider when developing that all-important contact page…
Your Contact Page Is All-Important
People interested in your business will often go to your contact page before pulling the trigger on a transaction. Prospective customers often have questions to ask or need additional information before they make a purchase. Some will just want to confirm that there is ample information to contact you in case there is a problem with the transaction. There’s nothing more frustrating than buying and then being unable to contact the company if there’s a problem with the product or service.
The bottom line is that your contact page is a powerful marketing tool that can help seal the deal or cost you sales.
Your Contact Page Should Tell The User What To Do
Using a contact page may seem like a no-brainer, but if your page is confusing it can cause problems. Your contact page should clearly explain exactly what people must do to contact you. Spell out if there are different channels for sales vs customer support. If you have an online form, give instructions on how to complete and submit it, how/where to send an email and what hours you take calls or provide online chat support. Spell out what information must be included – name, email address, etc.
The bottom line is that your contact page must be user friendly and provide clear guidance on how to use it or it can cost you sales.
Your Contact Page Should Utilize an Online Form
A short, easy to use form is an easy way to allow customers and potential customers to contact you. Just posting an email address is not as effective. Keep the form simple and don’t ask for personal information. If your form is too long or complex, people will likely bail out. Using a dropdown menu for the subject field simplifies the process. Allow people to add a personal comment as well. The format should be vertical so users can scroll down. Be sure it’s mobile optimized as well.
The bottom line is that your contact page must be easy to use so that you keep customers and potential customers engaged and in the sales funnel.
Your Contact Page Should Be Simple and Highly Functional
Your contact process should be straightforward. You should have a clearly marked menu item or icon to drive users to your contact page rather than burying it in a drop down menu. If you have a sidebar contact form on all pages, strip this off of your actual contact page to eliminate confusion. Don’t use multiple forms for different uses. Instead use the dropdown subject line menu to target the contact submission.
Keep this page very clean with only the necessary info and form. Provide several means of contact – form, phone numbers, email, physical address, Twitter and chat (if available). Offering several channels of contact will build trust. One final note is on how you label the contact page – don’t get creative and call it the “give us a shout page” or anything funky. Stick with “Contact us” so it’s clear to your users and they don’t waste time searching for it.
Contact Us Today!
If you’re ready to revamp your website, rehabilitate your contact page or amp up your SEO, visit Seattle SEO Consultant’s contact page today or click the schedule now icon below my photo above. Take advantage of our Seattle web design services to ensure you have a contact page that drives sales, encourages business and engages current and potential customers.
