What do you think of when you picture the World Wide Web, beepers, PalmPilots, Beanie Babies, Tickle Me Elmo, and – the thing all kids went wild for in its heyday – Pokemon?
If you said the decade of 1990s, you’re right.
How about when you picture AOL chat rooms, boy bands with frosted tips, bling bling, MTV’s “TRL,” and the television sensation, “The Weakest Link?”
Yep… the 2000s.
Now think about what impression people get when they visit your website. Does it look like it came out of a time machine circa 1998, or does it look current and relevant?
If you’ve had a website for any length of time, it’s important to realize that it’s never a good idea to put up your website and think that’s it – that you’re done.
Sorry. It just doesn’t work that way. To stay competitive and profitable, it’s critical for you to update your website Seattle regularly (and update more than just the artwork and design). This post looks at three of the biggest reasons why you need to update your entire website now.
Your Visitors Have Changed
Not only do people change as time passes, but the way people use the internet to search for things changes as well. Keywords people use today might not be the same ones they use next week to search for the products of services you offer.
For example, people searching for a home back in the booming economy and real estate market might have searched for a term like “large new homes for sale Seattle.” Today, people looking to buy a home might search using keywords like “buy a Seattle foreclosure” or “buy Seattle short sales” instead.
Your Competition Has Changed
Your competition isn’t standing still letting their website become more and more obsolete. They’re updating their website so it evolves with the times to stay ahead of you.
If you’re going to compete successfully, you need to make changes too. Achieving a number one Google ranking doesn’t mean you’ll stay in the number one spot for any length of time unless you update your website in ways that keep you there ahead of your competition.
The Search Engines Change
The internet and the search engines change all the time. Just look at how dramatically the organic search engine results have changed just since the recent Google Panda update. Today’s Google changes can send your rankings plummeting tomorrow.
Plus new search engines start up regularly. For example, one of today’s most popular search engines, Bing.com, didn’t pop up until just a few years ago in 2009. If your website was search engine optimized in 2004 and you haven’t updated it since, you’re probably stuck in internet obscurity right now.
Nothing ever stands still, so if you want to stay current, relevant, and ahead of your competition, update your website. By doing so, you’ll not only avoid an outdated look that turns people away from your website, but you’ll also ensure your website remains an effective, high-performing virtual salesperson for your business 24/7.
Need help updating your website Seattle? Schedule your free, no-obligation consultation with Chad Morgan to learn more.
